Monday, June 23, 2008

First day of the Bible study.....

I have not written in a while and I apologize. It has been quite busy around here :) So on Friday, five pre-teens and I gathered to do our first Bible study on the book Every Young Woman's Battle. I had read the adult version of this and was deeply moved and changed by the honesty and truth presented in this book.
I think I was expecting the girls to be more reserved and embarrassed then they were. I was blown away by their insightful and (and VERY honest) questions. I shared with them some of the relationship struggles that I have been through because I felt that before I could ask them to be vulnerable with me, I would need to be vulnerable with them. It was so sweet because as I relayed past heart aches, they became protective and defense FOR me.
It was so amazing to me that the girls didn't want to take their binders home for fear that their parents might go through their personal responses. Instead, they chose to trust me and left the binders with me. I felt very honored that they would trust their hearts to me in that way.
As I am spending time with these beautiful young women, I am beginning to truly see the constant sexual temptation that they face. I would appreciate prayers for these young women as they are facing battles that most of us didn't even face until we were late into our teens. I would also appreciate prayer for one young woman. I pray that she would feel safe and open enough to share with the group some of the issues she opened up to me about. I really believe a great deal of healing would occur if she would share her story with her peers, her sisters in Christ.

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