Monday, December 13, 2010

Love without Limits: December: A walk to remember

This past week was the end of the trimester for our LIT kids. I knew I desired to do something special for them to remember the first half of the year. In our discipleship group at church, we have been reading through Genesis and I have been in awe of the intentionality and beauty of God's Creation. As I began to pray how we would spend our last Wednesday together as a team, the Lord placed it on my heart that the kids needed to SEE His creation, rather then just hear about how God made it.
So, Wednesday afternoon we packed the kids into our cars and went to a beautiful, serene place in KCK called Sanctuary of Hope. Each of the volunteers took one or two children and we did a prayer walk through the grounds. I asked the volunteers to pray over the kids, their families, and our community as we send the kids out on a five week break. I felt the Lord asking us to bathe them in prayer and His protection.
One of the most impactful moments for me happened as I was walking with one of the girls. I have often gone to Sanctuary of Hope for my own quiet time but I was curious how the Holy Spirit had potentially affected her. She told me that she could feel Jesus in that place and that being there made her feel very peaceful!
After the prayer time, we all came back and shared our highlights of the LIT year. The kids were so open and honest about the ways God is blessing them and how they feel close to each other. I am so thankful to be part of a ministry that really is making a difference in the live's of God's children!!

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