Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Blog

During the holidays, like most people, I always feel like there is a flurry of activity as I rush to accomplish everything before Christmas. As we are finishing up this trimester with Kids Adelante, the kids are learning about the resurrection of Jesus. It has been so neat to teach them about the gift of salvation that they have been given right before the celebration of the birth of our Savior.
Each group in Kids Adelante has presented this most important topic in their own unique way. However, the reactions of the kids have been incredible to witness as they hear about the persecution and redemption of Christ. Some of the kids have expressed outright anger as they have learned how Jesus was tortured and beaten. For many of the kids, this is the first time they realized that in order for true salvation to occur, there was a time of separation between God and Christ. Above all, I have seen children that have been taught this lesson in past trimesters, for the first time, really grasp how truly deep Christ's love is for them. What an amazing way for them to head into the holidays: understanding that Christ's passion and pursuit of them began as an infant in a manger!

Prayer requests:
  • For the staff and volunteers of Mission Adelante to finish out the trimester strongly.
  • For all of us to meditate this season on the love and gift of our Savior!

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