Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life-changing doesn't even begin to describe it!

(Gricelda and Amalia at La Carpio)
(Jennyfer and Zeidy, my students)

We all have those places in our past that are very significant to us because they shaped us in a very powerful way. Costa Rica, since my first exchange trip in 1998, has been that place for me. Each time I have returned, Costa Rica (and I) have been a little bit different. I was excited but nervous as I set out with seven other volunteers from Mission Adelante this past week to embark on my very first mission trip. It was the first time I would be serving the people of Costa Rica for the Kingdom of God!
While we were there, our team got to serve in some really incredible ways. One of my favorite parts of the trip was going to La Carpio, one of the roughest parts of Costa Rica. We got to teach a group of young teenage girls about the truth of Christ being the only way to salvation. The kids that we met at La Carpio deal with abuse, violence, gangs, drugs, and poverty in a way that would be shocking to us but is common to them. I sang a song with the girls that day about how God is calling out their name, knows what's in their hearts, and wants to forgive them. I can't express how moved my soul was to look these girls in the eye as I sang those words and watch genuine smiles of joy spread across their faces. They so desperately want to believe that God loves them and that they matter to their Creator. That experience marked me in a very real way and made my relationship with the teens of Mission Adelante that much more important.
One of the main focuses of our trip was to do an outreach to the community of Iglesia Berea, a church in San Francisco de Dos Rios. I was paired with Jennyfer and Zeidy, two very incredible and spunky women. As we tackled the infamous verb "to be" together, I found myself connecting with them in a really significant way. At the end of the first night that we had class, we prayed together as a group. I realized halfway through that Jennyfer had tears slipping down her cheeks. I grabbed her and Zeidy's hands, knowing that the Holy Spirit was really working in the hearts of the people we were serving. I will miss these two incredible friends but I know that God has joined our hearts in a powerful way.
The most unexpected blessing that occurred was how my heart was deepened for Mission Adelante. Costa Rica had always been this escape for me to a life where the Hispanic culture came alive. Living and serving everyday in Kansas City has made loving Hispanics a daily reality for me. This trip was the first time that I knew I was more excited to return back to my real life then to remain in Costa Rica! I ached for our community and was surprised that my heart for Mission could go any deeper. I feel unbelievably blessed that God not only gave me the incredible experience of Costa Rica but also revealed to me that He undoubtedly has me right where He wants me!

Thank you for all of the prayers, support, and encouragement that made the Costa Rica Mission Trip possible :)

1 comment:

Sofie said...


I'm so glad you had such a fruitful and affirming experience. This story is such a testament to how big and powerful and absolutely right God's love is. It is so beautiful to hear how He has placed you in a community that needs you, and given you a love and a need for it as well.

Praises to God and Blessings to you.
