Monday, February 8, 2010

(Agustin is in the middle)

When I first began serving at Mission Adelante, I met a boy named Agustin. I was so intimidated by him. Even though he was only 10 years old at the time, there was a hardness of heart that I had never encountered before. He just seemed so angry. However, I am the kind of person that relishes a challenge and made the decision that I would pray for his heart to be open to God. Over the years, Agustin and I have grown closer as he has felt the genuine love that the volunteers and staff have for him and his family. I have become especially fond of him as there have been moments when his walls crumbled and I got to see the beautiful heart inside of him.
A few months ago, I received the news that Agustin and his family were going to move. I have to be honest that it devastated me. I have seen Agustin grow in his faith over the past few years and I was worried with the impending move, that he would stop coming to Mission Adelante. However, as we launched the Teens Adelante Bible study, he was present! I have seen him take little kids under his wing and play with them as a big brother. This past Sunday, he showed up for our church service! He walked the mile and a half from his house to Mission Adelante by himself to attend.
I think one of the hardest parts about working with kids is the reality that sometimes I have to let go and let God. I am still holding out hope that Agustin and his family won't move. However, I know that as much as he might try to hide it, inside Agustin beats a heart for Christ. That a heart is something that God will always hold, no matter where Agustin might be.

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